WAVES - 2019
WAVES is a Project promoted by sport clubs and education centres, with the aim to encourage the participation in sport and physical activities, especially by supporting social inclusion and equal opportunities and the EUWeek of Sport2019/2020.
Duration: 24 months (Start date: 01/01/2019; End date: 31/12/2020).
Short Description:
WAVES is a Project promoted by sport clubs and education centres, with the aim to encourage the participation in sport and physical activities, especially by supporting social inclusion and equal opportunities and the EUWeek of Sport2019/2020. WAVES focuses its action plan on the knowledge and participation in beach and water sports and health-enhancing physical activities which can help preserve the natural environment (lakes, rivers and seas), with a deep positive impact also in the future.
Target group: athletes, coaches, trainers, amateurs, presidents, sport stakeholders, physiotherapists, volunteers and nutritionists, especially from 18 till 45 years old.
Target sports: beach and water sports ,a wide range of activities in/by the sea, river and the lake (beach volley, beach soccer, kayaking, rowling, beach aerobics, rafting, swimming, kitesurf, dodgeball, beach tennis, sailing and yoga).
Objective: Promote voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activities through increased participation in, and equal access to, sport for all.
Main actions:
-Transnational Awareness Campaign on the European Week of Sport 2019/2020 and on the lifelong benefits of beach and water sports;
-Online Beach and Water Sport Programme and Train the Trainers Programme;
-Lifelong Beach and Water Sport Open Days(seminars,workshops,round tables,brainstorming sessions);
-Local Beach and Water Sport Open Days(free courses,training sessions and friendly competitions);
-n. 5 Transnational project meetings(institutional moments,tournaments,trainings,walkings,mapping of the trails along rivers,lakes,seas,international final conference,presentation of the intellectual output, signature of the Agreement);
-n.2Transnational Staff Meetings; -Production of the intellectual output ("WAVES Guidelines of Beach and Water Sport Teaching Models").