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FACES - 2021

FACES - Fostering A Civic European Solidarity

Photo 6, Finland nov 2022.jpg

PROJECT rises from the acknowledgement of a fast change in communication and media technologies and in the growing diffusion of fake news and propaganda related contents through the new media, which are creating a constant threat for the cohesion of the EU project as a whole and for the solidarity tissue at local level.


Project aims at creating citizens panels through the partner organisations in N EU Countries, with the objective to:

- providing information on key EU issues and challenges to citizens;

- collecting opinions of citizens on those issues;

- exploring new methodologies capable of promoting active interaction;

- establish new methodologies of civic engagement and community support.


PROJECT has the objectives to:

- give citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an ever closer Europe, which is democratic and world-oriented, united in and enriched through its cultural diversity, thus developing citizenship of the European Union;

- developing a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture;

- fostering a sense of ownership of the European Union among its citizens, based on the knowledge of true information and datas;

- enhancing mutual understanding among European citizens and between citizens and institutions, through the promotion of media literacy and the active contrast to propaganda

- creating tools for the local communities to contrast disruptive propaganda and fake news allowing the resilience of the social and solidal tissue;

- monitoring and gathering recommendations on policies and EU actions to contrast fake news from a bottom-up perspective.



- Steering committee meeting

- SWOT Analysis at local level

- Training for "citizens panels activators"

- International Workshop on "Metodologies of civic engagement for knowledge"

- Set up of citizens panels at local level

- International meeting of citizens panels

- Info days at local level -International Final Conference

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