CAVES - C ollaborate for A ctive V alues and E uropean Solidarity
The "IDEAL-Inclusive Didactics at European Applied Level" Project, contributed to the qualification as for the training of 13 participants (teachers and administrative staff) coming from our school ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO "G. FALCONE E P. BORSELLINO".
IDEAL foresees the following tasks to be carefully organised and performed:
1) English language course set on different levels, planned on a 5 mornings schedule, with final exam to verify the acquired level and eventual certification;
2) Visits at some local junior high schools to know their best practices as for inclusive didactics, in particular (you are warmly asked to suggest us which schools);
3) Institutional and cultural visits that you will suggest us. The official dates that we have chosen are in May 2019 from 19th to 26th.