The project wants to favour the social inclusion of over 60, overcoming the obstacles created by the evolution of communication tecnology and global languages with a shared best practice in the sector of quality education for the elders.
Skills for Seniors has got a double aim: to favour the sharing of best practices in promoting active ageing and to create new education opportunities for over 60 aimed at closing the mismatch of competencies and improve the skills to connect with and comprehend the global world.
The project wants to reach the following objectives:
-to create quality training opportunities for the elders, aimed to improve the knowledge of English language, ICT and media literacy, European citizenship;
-improve the wellbeing of over 60 and their personal autonomy and communication skills, for a better social inclusion and participation in active citezenship;
-update the active ageing programmes of the participating organisation through the cross-fertilisation of best practices; -promote active ageing and adult education
-create a shared best practice at European level.
SFS foresees two kind of activities to be held in 24 months between 01/10/2017 and 30/09/2019:
Training courses in virtual mobility: three courses (English language, ICT and media literacy, European citizenship) to be held nationally. Each class will be composed of 25 participants. In detail:
-English Language - 30 hours - January-March 2018;
-ICT and media literacy - 30 hours - ottobre-dicembre 2018;
-European Citizenship - 30 hours - aprile-giungo 2019.
Short term mobility: three international exchanges, one for each project's topic, to deepen the knowledge in these fields and put in place the new skills acquired throught the confrontation with the others. In detail:
C1: 10-16/09/2018 – Malta - 33 participants to the mobility- topic: English Language
C2: 15-21/04/2019 - Poland - 33 participants to the mobility - topic: ICT, informatics and media literacy;
C3: 22-28/07/2019 - Italy - 34 participants to the mobility - topic: cittadinanza europea.
The activities will be organised with regard to the specific needs of the topic, adults that have left the education system since ages, and will be oriented to a full involvement of the participants, avoiding frontal lessons and using methodologies like peer learning, learning by doing and project working designed for over 60
The management will follow a methodology based on four blocks (Preparation, Sharing of best practices, Virtual mobility, Short term mobilities), so to help the Staff in the monitoring of project's implementation activities.
To reach an high quality in programming the activities, four Transnational Project Meeting are foreseen:
-Cyprus 9-11/10/2017;
-Spain 5-7/03/2018;
-Finlandì 14-16/05/2018;
-Hungary 9-11/09/2019.
SFS wants to result in a positive and lasting outcome at several levels:
Participants directly involved in the activities:
-improved skills in English Language, ICT and media literancy and in European citizenship;
-deeper participation in active citizenship and social inclusion activities;
-improvement of wellbeing and personal autonomy;
-strenghten resilience and adaptation to change skills;
-creation of friendship relations with over 60s at European level:
-improve the knowledge about the European Union
Partners organisations:
-cross-fertilisation, internationalisation and best practice sharing among organisation at European level to create a shared best practice;
-set up a network of cooperation among organisations for the future sustainability of the actions;
-improve the skills of the participationg organisation
Participants indirectly involved in the project:
-rise the awareness about actice ageing and adult education:
-promotion of training and education opportunities in the EU;
-set up of collaborations with other stakeholders to plan future actions;
-creation of quality training courses for over 60.